Are Your Plugins Out of Date?
We’ve quietly introduced a new feature - outdated plugin checking. It appears at the end of the log on jobs which fail:
Package Current Wanted Latest Location
cordova-android 9.1.0 9.1.0 10.1.2 node_modules/cordova-android
cordova-plugin-camera 5.0.3 5.0.3 6.0.0 node_modules/cordova-plugin-camera
cordova-plugin-file 6.0.2 6.0.2 7.0.0 node_modules/cordova-plugin-file
cordova-plugin-media 5.0.4 5.0.4 6.0.0 node_modules/cordova-plugin-media
cordova-plugin-media-capture 3.0.3 3.0.3 4.0.0 node_modules/cordova-plugin-media-capture
In the above example, 5 plugins are using outdated versions. This can cause a variety of problems - it’s good practice to keep your plugins up to date.
To fix this, look at your config.xml file. The version of the plugin used depends on two things:
- What version did you set the plugin spec to?
- What is the highest version the engine you have selected can use?
In this example, the camera plugin is declared in config,xml without a version:
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-camera" source="npm" />
Which means use the latest supported version. To explicitly set the version (it’s good practice), do the following:
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-camera" source="npm" spec="5.0.3" />
So why it is using 5.0.3 instead of 6.0.0? It’s due to this line:
Package Current Wanted Latest
cordova-android 9.1.0 9.1.0 10.1.2
The project is using an old version of the Android engine (9.1.0), which does not support version 6 of cordova-plugin-camera.
You should update your project to the current version of the engine. The other outdated packages will then be updated automatically.
What VoltBuilder does
To start testing your app right away check out VoltBuilder!
VoltBuilder is a wrapper for Apache Cordova and Ionic Capacitor. We make it easy for you to build native executables (e.g., .apk, .aab, and .ipa) for Android and iOS from web apps. You can augment these executables with native code plugins to extend your app’s capabilities far beyond what is possible in Web Apps and PWAs.
Using VoltBuilder simplifies and speeds up your workflow while keeping things framework neutral. As a web service, there is nothing you need to install. We also keep everything up to date so you can focus on building to the latest standards, and make sure to keep you in the loop on things that might affect your build process.
The way VoltBuilder works is simple. Zip your project, upload it to VoltBuilder, and download your Android or iOS executable.
Getting Started With VoltBuilder
If you haven’t already, sign up and select the VoltBuilder plan that best fits your needs and budget. You can use the Free plan for limited testing, or get more builds by trying out our Indy or Pro plans with a 15 day free trial!
Then, check out our Docs Section to learn how to integrate VoltBuilder into your development process.
When you’re ready to upload your first project, watch our video tutorial (or read the tutorial in our docs). The Docs section has plenty of other helpful resources, like Migration Guides, sample projects, and tips to get you started! If you need extra help, stop by our Support Forum!