Plans start at $15/month. First 15 days free. Cancel anytime.
Download your app and run it on your device.
The Android and iOS SDKs are a pain to set up and keep running. VoltBuilder always uses the latest tooling.
Store-ready apps for Android and iOS are ready in minutes. VoltBuilder even uploads for you. No Mac required.
There’s no need to keep your passwords, certificates and source code in our cloud. We delete it all when your build completes.
Nothing to install. Simply zip your files and submit them to VoltBuilder.
When the build completes, you’ll get a QR code you can scan with your phone to install your app.
Simply upload to our server. Signs, builds with Xcode, and uploads to the Apple App Store.
Use HTML + CSS + JS to make native apps for Android and iOS. Extend your app with over a thousand Apache Cordova Plugins.
Convert easily, using the latest Android and iOS toolchains.
VoltSigner generates downloadable iOS and Android certificates for free, without needing to log in or use a Mac.
“ The Build Creation with VoltBuilder seems grand - no hassle - easier if anything than using PhoneGap. ” -David, Ireland
“ The documentation is excellent, and the build service itself and diagnostic messages are wonderful to work with ” -Paul, UK
“ Really simple and elegant, with good intuitive design, and a great tutorial that has it all. ” -Leslie, USA
Ionic has recently announced that AppFlow has been discontinued, leaving existing and new users searching for a reliable alternative....
We’re excited to announce an open beta test of our updated Capacitor build process! These updates include support for Capacitor...
We’re excited to announce that our plugin review process has been updated to pre-approve all Cordova plugins in NPM....