Documentation Overview
Welcome to the VoltBuilder documentation. Can't find what you're looking for? Ask support.
Create your first app, step by step.
What you need to know about Capacitor and VoltBuilder.
VoltBuilder works by uploading a single zip file with everything in it. Here's how to set up the zip file.
VoltBuilder works by uploading a single zip file with everything in it. Here's how to set up the zip file.
You'll need icons and splash screens in various sizes. VoltBuilder can generate these.
config.xml contains the parameters for your build. Here's how to set it up.
Here's how to build for Android 12 and 13
Building apps for Windows, using the same source as Android and iOS.
Hooks let you add custom processing to your build.
How to resolve common issues.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Uploading to Stores
You'll need certificates to upload your app to Apple and Google. Here's how to make them.
Instructions how to have VoltBuilder upload to Google as part of your build.
Instructions how to have VoltBuilder upload to Apple as part of your build.
Don't want distribute via the stores? VoltBuilder can host for you.
VoltBuilder API
Want to submit jobs directly to VoltBuilder from your build tools? Here's how.
Here are the API docs for submitting directly to VoltBuilder.
Cordova Plugins
How to use plugins in your project.
These plugins are included in the Free Plan.
Need a new plugin? Here's a checklist for eligibility.
VS Code Extension
How to use our VS Code extension to submit jobs directly to VoltBuilder.
Ionic Appflow
Appflow is another build tool. See how it compares.
Want to move from Appflow to VoltBuilder? Here's how.
Step by step instructions to move from PhoneGap to VoltBuilder.
Here are some of the common issues PhoneGap users face.
Coming from PhoneGap? Here's a video showing how to do it.
Sample Projects
Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor plugins. (Capactor)
A minimal web page you can download and run using VoltBuilder. (Cordova)
A minimal React app you can download and run using VoltBuilder. (Cordova)
White Papers
Build services like VoltBuilder can save you a lot of time and trouble. Find out more.