Cordova VoltBuilder Tools

Upload your web app projects to VoltBuilder directly from VS Code - no window switch necessary!


Cordova VoltBuilder Tools requires an activation code. To get your activation code, you will need to log in or sign up for a VoltBuilder account.

Cordova VoltBuilder Tools is available for all VoltBuilder plans.


  1. In VS Code, open Extensions (Ctrl+Shift+X or Shift+Cmd+X)
  2. Search Cordova VoltBuilder Tools
  3. Click Install
  4. Copy your VoltBuilder API Key
  5. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Shift+Cmd+P)
  6. Search VoltBuilder: Set activation code
  7. Paste in your activation code and hit enter


  1. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Shift+Cmd+P)
  2. Search VoltBuilder: Build
  3. Choose the platform you’d like to build for (Android or iOS)
  4. Select your project and click “Build”
    • While processing, you will see a notification tracking your progress
  5. Download your executable
    • Use the QR code to download directly to your mobile device, or
    • Click the download button to download to your computer
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